On July 6, 2022, the87th birthday of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama,a spiritual friend to all beings and the source of benefit and happiness for the Land of Snow Mountains,was celebrated at Palpung Yeshi Rabgye Ling Nunnery.
The nunnery's khenpos, teachers, and staff began the ceremony by chanting verses of auspiciousness, which was followed by an offering of a mandala along with representations of body, speech, and mind in front of a sacred image of His Holiness, a tea and sweet rice offering, and a longevity practice. After that, everyone offered a white ceremonial scarf to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s sacred image, which liberates upon seeing. The program concluded with a contemporary birthday celebration with an offering of birthday cakes and sweets along with chanting auspicious verses.