From 12th February onwards, tulkus, lamas, khenpos, and the entire monastic community of Palpung Sherabling Monastic Seat performed the extensive Gutor Mahakala puja at the conclusion of the Water Tiger year. The purpose of this puja, which is performed day and night without interruption, is to invoke the activity of the wisdom Dharma protectors Mahakala and Mahakali, along with their retinue, in order to protect the Buddha’s teachings of all traditions, to benefit all sentient beings, and especially to pacify the outer and inner degenerations of the world and its inhabitants, such as diseases, famine, wars, and natural disasters.
On 18th, the grand Gutor Mahakala vajra dances without masks were performed, followed on the next day by the main sacred dances with masks as well as the ritual of averting obstacles, which comprised casting out the torma and the fire puja for amending any imperfections. The day after, the ganachakra of Vajravarahi based on the extensive Tsalma Mahakala sadhana was performed. On 21st, the Gutor Mahakala puja was concluded with the ritual of receiving siddhis.